The less than 140 character version: It started with an inquiring tweet and ended with a fantastic private sushi class experience.
The full story with savory details:
Recently I decided I want to invest more in experiences rather than tangible things. When it came time to think of a birthday gift for my friend Sarah, I automatically thought of sushi. After an unstimulating Google search for sushi classes in Dallas, I logically tweeted to ask for suggestions. After a retweet by Elysa, I was quickly connected with Chef Pete.
Fast forward a month or so and a group of Dallas Food Nerds were learning sushi 101 in Chef Pete’s Addison kitchen! Chef Pete went all out for us with a plethora of fish, seaweed, vegetables and sauces to keep all taste buds pleased.
Check out the sushi preparation tips and final products from various food nerds tweets:
View all the photos from the evening: DallasFoodNerd Facebook.
A big thank you to Chef Pete and Melinda for setting up the class and keeping all of us entertained!
Follow @ChefPeteRocks on Twitter and fan his Chef Pete Catering Facebook page to find out more about his catering services.
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